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Make 4 Changes In your Lifestyle For Healthy Life in 2022
2022 is just days away & a new year means a new beginning & today I’m gonna share with you 4 basic habits that if you include in your lifestyle it can make your life 10X happy & healthy.
so let’s get started
Stop Watching Tv/Streaming Online While Eating
Yes, After a tiring day or in between a hectic day we do feel like watching something entertaining while we eat
It is absolutely normal, & trust me I do it A LOT. but lately I have realized how much worse it can be
When we watch something while we eat, we get so involved in the videos or our devices we forget to enjoy our food
We don’t know how much we are eating (a big alarm for people who want to lose weight) & we don’t eat right (lack of chewing, which can trigger indigestion)
Thus to avoid all these problems it is better to stay away from digital devices like TV, phone, Laptop anything while you eat
I know it can be difficult but trust me, it will help you a lot
For like 1 week I’m doing this, So far it feels great
I enjoy my food, I talk with my family while we eat, I eat right & most importantly I feel content after my meal
Try this
Important Hack:
If you can’t follow this throughout the day, make sure you follow this for at least one meal/day
For ex: try having a peaceful breakfast in the morning ( tough if you’re working professional on the clock, but you can make time if you’re up early), or best follow this at night
Rather than concentrating on some shows, why not sit down with your family for a night family dinner (no phones allowed)
Avoid Having Tea or Coffee on The Empty Stomach
I know Bed Tea/Bed Coffee sounds fancy & really appealing but it is harmful to our health
I’m not saying skip tea or coffee because I know how difficult that will be
I can’t function until I get my cup of coffee in the morning, so yes I do understand
But don’t have tea/coffee just as you wake up
make a habit of having water the first thing you wake up
you can include detox drinks like fenugreek water raisin water, jeera water, cinnamon water, lemon honey water, or if you want just have a glass of plain warm water in the morning
or else just a glass of water will do
(I have shared many detox drinks, you can check out if you want)
I know it might seem like nothing, just a simple thing but trust me it can change your health for good
Just having a glass of water before coffee/tea will help to make your body healthy, lift up your mood & most importantly keep your stomach right (no more indigestion or bloating)
It is an Awesome hack to maintain good metabolism
Important Tip
If you really want to enhance your health by drinking water then try to drink copper water
i.e store water in copper containers like copper glass or copper bottle & drink the water in the morning & see the magic happening
This is our ancestors home remedy, in fact, more like a healthy life secret
So if possible please try to drink copper water, best & easy way to improve your health
Ayurvedic Copper Vessel for Drinking
Take A Break
Life has become hectic, we expected work from home to be comfortable but in reality, it shook up our work-life balance
Even though we are at home, with our family we are still on the clock
you can get a con call or a call from boss anytime, even though many people are going back to their office, work will be hectic
and if you’re someone like me whose who work is on PC/Lappy. then you definitely need a break
Being a Digital Marketer I have to spend at least 10-12 hrs of my day in front of screen & that is tiring as well as really damaging to our health…so what to do?
Take a break
Even if it is just a 5-minute break, do take it, you can make a coffee run or take a tea break
Get up from your seat, stretch a little, take a small walk or go out on the balcony & breathe in fresh air
And most importantly blink, it is a proven fact that when we are focusing on the screen, we skip blinking our eyes which make ours eyes dry, itchy & red
so don’t forget to blink
Ever 30mins – 1 hr, look away from your screen & blink…it will help to keep your eyes healthy
Awesome Hack
If you spend the majority of your time in front of the screen. I strongly recommend using blue light blocking screen guards, these are pretty easily available & works amazingly to keep your eyes safe from the harmful blue light from the screen
If you don’t want to use screen guards, blue light blocking glasses are available as well…try them out
Protect Your Eyes Best Blue Light Blocking Glasses & Screen Protectors
Blue Light Blocking Screen Protectors (US)
Blue Light Screen Protector (India)
(US) Blue light Blocking Glasses
Blue Light Blocking Glasses (India)
Include Excercise
No…I’m not asking you to do a hardcore exercise (you can do it if you want) but that is not what we are talking about here
All I’m saying is include some exercise in your daily me this is a lifestyle habit that is amazing & extremely helpful for people of every age
You know our grandparents usually have this habit of taking walks or doing yoga
I can bet they are far healthy than you
This trick works like charm, make a habit of doing some exercise in your daily life & trust me you’ll see a tremendous change in your health
Your mood will be great, you’ll feel more active, healthy & your stamina will increase effortlessly
Exercise doesn’t have to be a full-fledge 1-2hr workout
It can be as small as a jog, brisk walk, some squats, skipping, jumper jacks, or even yoga/mediation anything that works FOR YOU
My go-to exercise is dancing other than that… I love running, used to go for morning jog but due to covid pandemic
Now I usually run on the treadmill, some time I do cycling (not a real bicycle..i can’t ride …but the exercise bike)
I love meditation, so I try to do it at least once a week (which I many times fail…but I’m making a new year resolution, to stick to it)
honestly, you can do whatever exercise you want, just include some exercise in your daily life, especially if you are someone like me who spends the majority of their time sitting in front of the screen…you do NEED THE EXERCISE
So do it, let me know how it feels
If you are so dam busy that you can’t make time for exercise then try this
take stairs rather than the elevator
If you get a call, don’t talk sitting rather talk on the phone while walking
after having dinner rather than scrolling social media, take a stroll on a balcony or terrace
If your office is nearby walk rather than using a bike, scooter, or a car
If possible ditch your bike for a bicycle
Just make sure you do something so that your whole body can be active
Hope this article helps you, if you have any more tips do share them with us
Also Happy New Year…
(Personal Diary for 2022 – Our Edition is live on Amazon Personal Diary Dark Color, Light Color )
I do hope 2022 is not 2020…2
anyway, stay happy, stay healthy…stay humble
Keep Smiling 🙂
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