Stop Regretting the Past, Anticipating the Future Rather Live in The Moment because this is Precious
Recently I posted a song called never too late by Fearless Soul & from then I can’t stop thinking about it
It’s Never Too Late Lyrics Fearless Soul
There is so much in life we wanna do but we are being held back from it because we feel it is too late
Wanted to do something, approach someone, buy something, apologize to someone, learn something, try something but we felt like it is too late but honestly, it is not
My grandpa used to say “Unless you are 6 feet under, or reduced to ashes, you have the time, a chance to do anything you want”
And I understand that now completely
Losing him was like a wake-up call, there is no guarantee for tomorrow, who knows if you are gonna wake up tomorrow but you are awake today
Today is your chance, to do what you wanna do – chase your dreams, make amends, reach out to a loved one or a lost friend, check off your bucket list, start a side-hustle, learn new art anything you want
You have today to do it, so don’t waste it
Yes you might be late but not too late
as they say “the best time to start was yesterday & then the next good time to start is today”
Stop thinking you missed your chance rather create yourself a new opportunity
It is easy to give an excuse that it is too late but do you know what is difficult yet worth doing is taking a chance & follow through
Living your life with what if’s, is the biggest regret you can have
so stop with What if & start with Why Not
Today is your chance, get a bit crazy & do what your heart desires
Remember It is never too late to live……Every breath you take is a chance, an opportunity to make your life better, don’t miss out on that
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