Longest Eclipse of the 21st Century
First time in the 100 Years, Total Lunar Eclipse on 27 July 2018 “Blood Moon”
27 July 2018 Marked as the day that witnessed the longest eclipse of 21 century. this happened once in 100 years.
While some were busy fearing it there were many who witnessed this beautiful scenario & I’m happy to say that I was one of them. I saw this beautiful Miracle of nature with my naked eyes as well as caught up with live streaming on the net.
So did you enjoy it or slept through it??
If you have missed it, don’t worry here are some amazing shots of the Total Lunar Eclipse of 27 July 2018
Beautiful Blood Moon (Credit Goes to NASA & Live Streamer )
So do you guys liked it?
Do you think it will affect us in any way?
let us know in the comments below
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