Fearless Motivation – Rest In Peace Lyrics
Rest in Peace is a new song by Fearless Motivation
A truly powerful motivational song, Check it out
This song is perfect for anyone who ever thought of giving up on their dreams…do listen to this
Rest in Peace Lyrics
Life is short and we won’t make it out alive
So why do we let our dreams die?
Why do we sit on the sidelines
Instead of flying, we let the time fly by
Why don’t we believe?
If we dream, we can achieve
Why do we give up and let things be?
When we fail why don’t we plant new seeds?
I don’t know… but me:
I ain’t living with regrets
I will always give my best
Which means I’m never giving up
I ain’t giving up my quest
I ain’t settling for less
Pain and stress can’t put me off
I’m not saying that I don’t have doubts
I’m just saying that I won’t let them hold me down
I will live life fully before I die
I’ll make sure to shine before my lights go out
Rest in peace to all the dreams that die
Rest in peace to the person I could have been
Rest in peace to all the dreams I never realized
In reality most people let their dreams die
Most people let their dreams die
We should ask them WHY?
Yeah we’re born to die
But we’re also born to fly
So why let it all fly by?
Is it fear? Is it pain? Is it stress? Is it strain?
Is it fear of losing it all again?
Is it a lack of self-worth?
It can all change with a lot of self-work
Is it because it hurts?
Yes chasing the dream hurts
But the pain of regret is so much worse
Choose your pain today
Choose to be great or choose to let your dreams fade away
It all hurts anyway
You deserve more
But you can only get more if you do more
More planning. More working. More dreaming. More believing.
Get to the grave and resurrect those dreams
Rest in peace to all the dreams that die
Rest in peace to the person I could have been
Rest in peace to all the dreams I never realized
In reality most people let their dreams die
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