Top 5 Best Patriotic Movies of 2019
15th August – Independence Day
A day which is special & important to every Indian
Our independence day, a day we got freedom from slavery all thanks to our brave heroes who sacrificed themselves for us
This is a day when we celebrate their victory as well as pay our tribute & respect to them
So to make this day more special
we present you Top 5 Best Patriotic Movies of 2019 which you can binge-watch this Independence Day
So let’s Begin
Check out our previous post-Best Patriotic Movies To Watch This Independence Day 2018
Top 5 Best Patriotic Movies Of 2019
Mission Mangal
well this is a little different than all the movies that are listed on this list because you have to go to the theatre to watch this
Mission Mangal- a movie that walks you through one of the biggest & proud moments of our Nation i.e India reaching Mars “Mars Orbiter Mission” which marked India’s first interplanetary expedition
From the moment I have seen the trailer, I’m dying to see the movie
I might have seen the trailer 8-9 times already, just love it
This mission was super important & our scientists of ISRO made sure that no matter what obstacles they face they’ll overcome it & make it success & indeed they did
If you haven’t seen the trailer yet(which I seriously doubt) check it out
Mission Mangal Trailer 1
Mission Mangal Trailer 2
An unforgettable movie in Bollywood, movie that got 2 National Awards
A movie worth watching, which will give you goosebumps & make the Indian in you jump high with a patriotic wave
We Indian believe in non-violence but when it comes to our motherland, our people we are ready to go to any extent to keep them safe
This movie depicts this beautifully
based on true events this one is a Must Watch
Uri Trailer
Manikarnika – The Queen Of Jhansi
Our freedom came with the price of many sacrifices
There are n number of warriors who are responsible for this freedom, who put themselves at stake so that we can have this freedom
One such true warrior is Rani Lakshmi Bai of Jhansi
She fought with her head held high,
She fought till she dropped,
Yet, never gave up her pride, her motherland, her beloved, Jhansi!
A story that we have heard since we were kids & it still touches our heart
Manikarnika Trailer
Manikarnika- Trailer 2
Beautiful Patriotic Song
Main Rahu Ya Na Rahu Bharat Ye Rehna Chahiye
Another movie which is based on a true event
This movie tells a tale about one of the bravest battle ever fought, 21 courageous Sikhs countered 10,000 invaders. These saffron-clad warriors fought valiantly against all odds and changed the meaning of bravery.
A spectacular movie which should be on your to watch list
A story worth telling thousand times but sadly it is nowhere found in any of our school books
Kesari Trailer
Hotel Mumbai
26/11 an unforgettable date-the horrifying incident that took place that day still shooks us
It is a memory that still haunts us.
The worst incident that makes our heart bleed & blood boil
We all know what happened that day but do you know what those people went through that day
If you wanna know…Must check out this
but a fair warning it is going to break your heart
So want on your risk
Hotel Mumbai Trailer
So what do you think about our list
let us know
And ya “Happy Independence Day To All” <3 <3
Keep smiling Keep Loving
Wish your family Happy Independence Day via Whatsapp
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