I don’t think this show needs any intro but still for those who don’t know(If there are some? check it out!! you are missing so MUCH) Its is a Show about 6 people in their 20’s try to survive in the real world. It’s a Sitcom that shows the lives of these 6, the up & downs, love, friendship, heartbreaks & much more.
Its been more than a decade when the show first aired but even today, it is one of the most loved & watched Tv show

How F.R.I.E.N.D.S became My Favorite Show? My Stress Buster My Mood Lifter!!!
I still remember the first time I watched or say tried to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S, I was in 8th & I wanted to give it a try but trust me just after 10 minutes I called it quits, I know friends fan might wanna beat me trust me I feel like too but that time I didn’t like it(how much has changed now 🙂 ) it felt like its a show with leads making double meanings jokes & time pass, nothing special or different(don’t kill me .. hear me out first) until I gave it a Second Chance.
That was after I completed my 12th & waiting for my result I was bored & I thought of giving F.R.I.E.N.D.S a try again. I saw how much fan-following of F.R.I.E.N.D.S is, how much people adore it & I looked up online & trust me from the First Episode itself I was HOOKED… I completed all seasons in just 3 days & today I might have seen all the episodes at least 8-10 times but still every time it makes me laugh! Today F.R.I.E.N.D.S has become a Stress Buster & Mood Lifter for me, whenever I’m down or sad F.R.I.E.N.D.S is the only one that can cheer me up.
This caught me in Thinking what changed?? What was that which made me love the show which I hardly tolerated for 10 minutes before??
Why is F.R.I.E.N.D.S so Special ??
It was not just the laughter, romances, fun, punch line, It was what the title says “F.R.I.E.N.D.S”. The Friendship which is shown in the show is the dream friendship anyone can ever wish. trust me I do!! How I wish I could have friends like them in my life, where I could laugh with them, cry with them even argue or hurt them but at the end they will be there for me.
No matter how the life takes you, what the situation might be they’ll stick around. you might make a different choice but you won’t ever have a difference of Heart.
When I was in 8th I had my bff’s around me all the time, we were together, happy & I thought that is how its gonna be & it was.. Until reality kicked in. We grew up, life changed now all those bff’s are just name on the contact list. This is what was different. For me at least the element of friendship was the USP of the show.

I’m a die-hard romantic but in this show, I never shipped any couples I always shipped the friendships, joey-chandler being my favorite but still, every episode has at least 1 moment where you wish to have friends like them in real life.
True Friendship is hard to get in today’s life especially the one with selfless motive but F.R.E.N.D.S thought me how much imp it is to have good friends in your life, the one who will support you & stick with you even in the hardest moments of life.
Real World Sucks but with Real Friends it is bearable.
F.R.I.E.N.D.S Fan,