Fearless Soul Everything is Gonna Be OK Lyrics
Everything is Gonna Be OK is a new song by Cani
This is such a beautiful heart-touching song from Fearless Soul
Check it out, You’ll love it
Everything is Gonna Be OK Lyrics
It feels like the weight of the world
Is crashing down on you tonight
Every dream you held so close
Feels like it’s fading out of sight

You’re standing in the dark
Wondering how to find your way
But I promise—hold on
You won’t be lost for long
There’s a light inside you burning,
Even when the night feels endless
You are stronger than you know
Let your heart remind you so
Everything is gonna be OK
You’re not alone, the pain will fade
Time will heal, and hope will stay
I promise you’ll find your way
Every storm will pass in time
The sun will rise, you will shine
Everything is gonna be OK
Believe it—trust your heart today
You’ve been fighting battles unseen
Carrying scars you never show
But every tear you’ve cried in silence
Has made your spirit start to grow
There’s beauty in the struggle
Though it’s hard to see it now
But someday soon you’ll see
All the strength it’s given you
There’s a light inside you burning,
Even when the night feels endless
You are stronger than you know
Let your heart remind you so
Everything is gonna be OK
You’re not alone, the pain will fade
Time will heal, and hope will stay
I promise you’ll find your way
Every storm will pass in time
The sun will rise, you will shine
Everything is gonna be OK
Believe it—trust your heart today
You are not your darkest moments
You are love, you are light
Every wound is part of your story
And someday you’ll see—it’s all alright
It’s all alright…
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