Fearless Soul – Standing Here Lyrics
Standing Here is a new song by Fearless Soul
It is a beautiful soothing song that would heal your heart. do check it out
Standing Here Lyrics
When my best isn’t good enough
I’m left wondering where I went wrong
I’m always fearless until I’m not
But I know I can be strong
I’m not gonna run
Can’t turn back time, the choice is mine
I’m standing here as my world burns
No regrets, I lit the matches
I see clearly, my whole world turns
I’m rising up from the ashes
I’m ready to begin again
Let love, not fear, guide me instead
When my mind plays tricks on me
And I’m living from my ego
Always think I control destiny
But life goes better when you learn to let go
I’m not gonna run
Can’t turn back time, the choice is mine
I’m standing here as my world burns
No regrets, I lit the matches
I see clearly, my whole world turns
I’m rising up from the ashes
I’m ready to begin again
Let love, not fear, guide me instead
Someday soon flowers will bloom again
Birds will sing, my heart will be content
Someday I’ll tear it down again
But rebuild and live as I intend
Someday I’ll tear it down again
But rebuild and live as I intend
I’m standing here as my world burns
No regrets, I lit the matches
I see clearly, my whole world turns
I’m rising up from the ashes
I’m ready to begin again
Let love, not fear, guide me instead
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