Why is with just my first heartbeat the existence of my life is put at risk?
Why kill me before I breathe? Just because I’m a girl, not a boy!
Why is when a boy is born parents are congratulated saying what luck you have at the same time a girl is born parents are consoled saying they still have a chance?
Why my birth is not celebrated as that of the birth of a boy?
Why is my every right- the right to freedom, right to education, right to speech even right to live is snatched away? Why do I have to fight for my right?
Why a girl’s education, career, dreams are up for question?
Why am I treated as a liability, responsibility that just has to be dealt with?
Why are families ready to spend more on a girl’s wedding than her education?
Why when the brother is allowed to play outdoors as a child, sister is expected to help & learn household chores?
Why am I expected to marry off so soon?
Why am I expected to spend my rest of life with someone who I don’t even know? Just because he has a stable job & good family background, a good house to live in? Am I marrying him or his money? Will I be spending my whole life with him or his house? What about his character? Job change, house changes but character & mentality won’t? is he the one? Don’t I have the right to choose?
Why guy can spend all his time outside but when a girl goes out for her career, family & life she is questioned by all?
Why her clothes are her character certificate?
Why when a guy has many girls as friends he is termed popular but if a girl has even 2-3 friends who are guys then she is termed as a characterless?
Why a guy has to hold a door for me? Why does he have to pay for us? Why can’t we do it together?
Why is a person allowed to throw acid on me & walkway?
Why when I am not even allowed to enter a temple while menstruating, how come a guy can enter me while I am protesting?
Why my YES or NO doesn’t matter
Why even though women have proven themselves all the time, even when they have conquered all the three forms Water, Earth & Sky. There are imagined only in Kitchen & Bed!
Why Female goddess is worshipped & female humans are trashed?
Why is that every stage of my life is up for question?
Why am I up for question?
After all this, all these unanswered questions, unwanted judgment, the undeserved rejection I ask myself only one question- WHY
What Haven’t I given up Yet????
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